Category: Emergencies

Mad cow disease found in one Central Valley bovine

Mad cow disease found in one Central Valley bovine

Health officials say the diseased cow never entered the human food chain and U.S. dairy and beef products are safe. It is the first confirmed case in the U.S. since 2006.

The first confirmed case of mad cow disease in the U.S. since 2006 surfaced in California’s Central Valley on Tuesday, triggering concerns about food safety. But health officials stressed that the diseased animal never entered the human food chain and that U.S. beef and dairy products are safe.

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Is it time to open the skies in Canada and allow U.S carriers?

Is it time to open the skies in Canada and allow U.S carriers?

Despite the issues pilots have with their employer, Air Canada, the issues today are showing the serious flaws in Canada’s transportation system. There are alternatives for trips to Montreal, Ottawa and other locations; using Porter or WestJet, however other remote and specific locations are leaving Canadians hanging. People are upset and rightly so. There is a dependency in Canada, on Air Canada. However, there are a not a full list of choices. I am sure Buffalo Niagara is seeing an increase and maybe it’s time to get other carriers in Canada. Our Federal policies prevent an American, or other carrier, from flying within Canada. Air Canada is taking a big hit and Canadians are angry. The Conservatives, now with a majority, may take notice. What do you say?

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NDMA rules out tsunami threat after 8.7 quake strikes off Indonesia

NDMA rules out tsunami threat to India after 8.7 quake strikes off Indonesia

The Indonesian president said on Wednesday there was no immediate threat of a tsunami from an 8.6-magnitude earthquake that struck off Sumatra island.

Indonesia has issued its own tsunami warning and an Indian Ocean-wide alert was also issued after the quake, but President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said there was no immediate threat.

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GlobalMedic – Rahul Singh has joined Time magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people in 2010

My sincere congratulations goes out to Rahul Singh, who is now one of the most influential people in the world. Truly an Angel walks among us! ——— Indo—Canadian paramedic Rahul Singh has joined US president...

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