Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ/CYYZ), Mississauga, Greater Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The wildcat strike, which started in Toronto’s Pearson Airport has now started to affect Montreal. Just heard the news and if you already have not started, please check with Air Canada before heading out. The issue started last night when baggage handlers were suspended for supposedly clapping when an MP was spotted. We are still waiting for confirmation. Air Canada has offered talks, however employees are in solidarity until their peers are reinstated and they are assured the no other repercussions.
Update: News just came in on NewsTalk 1010 – CFRB: Please check your flights out of Dorval, in Montreal. All Air Canada flights are cancelled. Now flights out of Ottawa are being affected by the wildcat strike.
Related articles
- Wildcat strike spreads at Air Canada (transportgeo.wordpress.com)
- Air Canada fills more seats in March despite labour tensions (business.financialpost.com)