I am sure that David Miller, and all of the city councilors, were watching the election closely. Essentially, Torontonians have decided to put Dalton McGuinty back in power, but voting overwhelmly for Liberals in various ridings. An interesting note is that NDP voters seemed to be concentrated in the downtown areas, where David Miller’s support is strong. A pattern is forming that may need NDP support spread to other ridings. On the other hand in some areas, that might not be possible, with vote splitting between the NDP and Green Party. Now what does this mean for Toronto? Well, it means that David Miller and city council will probably have no choice but to increase taxes and implement new user fees on Toronto tax payers. He took the “City of Toronto Act” bait and now, with such a majority, Dalton McGuinty has no obligation to do anything about downloading. But, the oddity is that Torontonians do not want higher taxes or fees, but they want more service? So, what does this mean? If Torontonians wanted to send a message to Dalton, supporting the bad financial situation for Toronto, then it would have been heard. However, the message sent was that they like the Liberals and the status quo. This means Toronto is in the middle of a rock and a hard place! If Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals re-nag on provincial downloading, I am sure there will be a swelling of ground support for David Miller. If David Miller is smart, he should use his NDP support for a new campaign for 2011. Now the question remains, will David Miller consider a run for the leadership of the NDP?
By: Adrian P
a.k.a. “The G.T.A Patriot”
Toronto, Ontario