Jeremy Nusinowitz
The Jack Layton Show will go to air across the Astral Media Radio Newstalk Network on Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time.
At the start of the federal election campaign, Newstalk 1010 CFRB extended an invitation to each major federal political party leader.
The invitation was for an opportunity to host a one-hour show, between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM, on a weekday, sometime during the 2008 federal election campaign.
“The NDP confirmed Monday that Jack Layton will host his own talk show this Wednesday.” said Steve Kowch, CFRB’s Operations Manager and the National Director of News Talk Programming for Astral Media Radio.
The rules are simple.Only the leader is in the studio to take as many calls as they can from Montreal, Toronto, Southern Ontario and Kelowna, BC.
Listeners will be invited to call a toll free number to speak to the party leaders.”
During the Ontario election CFRB in Toronto, CKTB in St. Catharines and CJBK in London aired talk shows hosted by the province’s main political leaders.