The ‘Dalton McGuinty Show’ just aired on CFRB, between noon and 1PM. In an effort to be totally unbiased on this issue, I did listen to all of the leadership candidates and in general they all did a great job. Albeit I did not think that the Green Party leader, Frank De Jong, needed to have someone from New Zealand? But that is beside the point. What was particularly disturbing is the free ride or shall I say “free advertisement” Dalton McGuinty just received via CFRB. We have not had an opportunity to see Dalton McGuinty truly answer questions, which may not necessarily be easy to answer, from the electorate. All events have been choreographed and staged extremely well. When pressed by reporters to answer difficult questions, Mr. McGuinty, ever so skillfully and tactfully, avoids the question. What is more upsetting is the fact that he essentially got 1 hour of “free” radio time to promote his agenda. I am not sure but I almost felt like I was in a trace or radio mind meld, so maybe he is Vulcan? It actually at one point sounded like a ‘Liberal Love-in’ at one point. I wish more stringent guidelines were placed on all of the leadership candidates, for their respective shows. Maybe next time producers of the show will be more careful to ensure that each leadership candidate answers questions from the electorate, and not avoid and ignore us completely. With one day left before the election, Dalton McGuinty successfully used CFRB, to his and the Liberals advantage, as a tool for his inauguration.
By: Adrian P
a.k.a “The GTA Patriot”
Toronto, Ontario