As the world recovers from a year marked by challenges, people around the globe are preparing to ring in the new year with vibrant celebrations and time-honored traditions. From the dazzling fireworks displays over Sydney Harbour Bridge and Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue to the soul-stirring chimes of Big Ben in London, New Year’s Eve offers a moment of reflection and a chance to look forward to a fresh start.

Across Asia, unique cultural traditions usher in the new year. In Japan, millions visit shrines and temples to participate in Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year. In Spain, people gobble down 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight, one for each chime, symbolizing good luck for each month of the coming year. Meanwhile, revelers in India gather to light bonfires, signifying the burning away of negativity from the past year. Celebrations around the world showcase the enduring spirit of humanity and our shared desire for hope and renewal.   

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