After all the polished promises of a streamlined new way to tame the web, the blogosphere was ready to predict Chrome would inspire everything from the end of Firefox to the demise of Microsoft itself. spoke to industry experts and Google’s new rivals to find out why Chrome matters and whether the browser reality can deliver on the hype.
Bye bye Microsoft
Chrome carries shades of an OS in a browser’s clothing and Google’s latest encroachment on Redmond’s turf must have a few Microsoft execs sweating.
The way Chrome will allow users to run and manage applications without an OS’ intervention could mean the beginning of the end for the days of Vista’s bloatware.
David Mitchell, VP for IT research at analysts Ovum, said: “What you are seeing is the language of the browser coming very close to that of the operating system, with services provided at the browser level rather than the OS level.
“If some of the OS functionality is within the browser then there will be a demand for a more anorexic OS running underneath.
“It is a big step towards telling people like Microsoft that they are not so popular after all.”